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Explore the new food trend.
How can we get more consumers to demand and buy sustainable seafood in a time when marine resources are in sharp decline?
Finfolk is an MFA thesis project created by Fin Wang, who is a graphic designer currently based in San Francisco. The project aims to get more people to demand and buy sustainable seafood by appealing to a consumer’s personal interests, and mobilizing the foodie momentum in a global context.
Yes, there are countless seafood awareness campaigns, but there are also countless unexploited opportunities that could move consumers.
Finfolk uses unexploited opportunities that can mobilize all consumers—not just the hardcore environmentalists—to demand and buy sustainable seafood. There are three approaches to achieve the goal.
First, make it personal. Current ocean conservation organizations have focused on complex messaging that have emphasized benefits to the environment, as opposed to personal benefits. Finfolk is a brand that capitalizes on the consumer’s’ tendency to buy products that appeal to their sense of self and particular image and lifestyle.
Second, use knowledge as power. Sustainable seafood is not seen as one of the eco-conscious foods, such as organic food, because of the lack of specificity and imagery associated with the word sustainable. Finfolk is a big knowledgeable community which promotes the concept of seafood sustainability as a result of a visible food trend.
Finally, expand people’s perspective. Danielle Nierenberg, founder and president of Food Tank: The Food Think Tank, pointed out, “We need to mobilize that foodie momentum on more global issues — not just the personalization of food, but food in a larger context.” Finfolk takes consumers behind the scenes of the global seafood industry to increase interest in the narrative of where seafood comes from.